Lesson Plans
All downloadable lesson plans, games, activities amd bright ideas from across the RDA South East region are listed here.
If you see something you think would be useful for your group, simply click the ‘Download’ button to get the PDF file. If you have any great ideas you would like to contribute yourself to help us grow this collection, please get in touch with RDA South East Chair Pauline Roestenburg by using the Contact Us page.
Four Cones Lesson Plan
This is a basic start and stop exercise for four riders. Riders will need to know the basics of making the pony walk and halt.
PDF 60.53KB
DownloadInclusion Booklet
This is a document that members can fill out so others can learn more about them and communicate more easily with them.
DownloadCrocodiles And Tadpoles
This is a great game for practising stopping and making the pony walk faster – or maybe a little trot.
PDF 57.09KB
DownloadWeekly Rider Report
This is a detailed report template allowing group organisers to produce a weekly report of a members progress.
PDF 3.28KB
DownloadWalk And Trot Lesson Plan
This is a walk and trot exercise for four riders. All riders must be able to control the horse in walk (stop, start and steer) and be able to trot a short distance off the lead rein.
PDF 60.66KB
DownloadHalt And Count Steps
This is a great game as part of lesson for getting riders to promote an active walk, even those who typically hate to stand still.
PDF 5.74KB
DownloadSteering And Teamwork
This is a teamwork lesson plan involving a 10 minute start/stop group exercises as well as a 15 minute relay race and a walk.
DownloadSteering And Groupwork
This is a teamwork lesson plan involving a 15 minute start/stop group exercises as well as a 10 minute relay race and a walk.
PDF 7.35KB
DownloadCo-ordination And Balance
This is a co-ordination and balance exercise involving riders picking up, moving and placing hoops around cones.
DownloadAnita’s Special Slalom
This is a good exercise for showing independent steering & raising awareness of where other horses are. It can be a competition.
PDF 30.17KB
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