The South East Region Riding for the Disabled Association website has been designed with the needs of people with disabilities in mind. We strongly believe that everyone should be able to access our website and we are taking continual steps to improve our service for visitors with disabilities. To this end we would welcome your feedback if you have any comments or suggestions please do not hesitate in contacting us.
Whilst creating this website, we've incorporated as many recommendations and best practice points as possible from the W3C WAI guidelines.
The website uses XHTML code to provide document structure and CSS to provide document formatting. By following guidelines set down by the W3C we are trying to make sure that all the information on our website is available to everybody: not just the text, but the information contained in the images and other media. Using these technologies also allows us to provide a website that loads faster, and displays in more devices.
For more information about how you can make changes to your web browsing experience please visit the BBC My Web My Way pages.
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